Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can We Get A Break

So I know this is old news, but it is something I've wanted to talk about for a while. If HBCUs don't have enough issues with attracting quality students and having them matriculate from beginning to ending at the university isn't hard enough. Noooo... We have to dump more drama and issues on our doorsteps. Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel has done this expose' on Black College bands and the hazing that occurs in them. Now... am I saying they are lying about what's going on in these organizations. Not at all! What I am saying though is that there are bigger and much more important issues to talk about than a person's PERSONAL choice to enduring hazing in these bands. Hazing is NOT a requirement in most of these organizations. You do not HAVE to be apart of the "fraternal" organization that is "the band". You can simple be apart of the "University Marching Band" or whatever your university has named it's marching band program.

While watching the interviews with these former students/band members, I found it hypocritical that these people would state that they initially took part in the hazing process... Was hazed themselves and now all of a sudden have seen the light and the error of their way and now they want to stop what they were apart of themselves. Am I saying that hazing is right? No... Am I saying that people don't have a right to change their minds about things? No!

The Simple View regarding this situation is good journalism is unbiased and gives voice to both sides of an issue. How about these journalists practice good journalism. The negative images that are left in people's mind about a culture (yes HBCUs and HBCU band life are different cultures) are a detriment to these schools and therefore could further limit the number of quality students that would be interested in pursuing their education at one of the many Historically Black Colleges and Universities!