Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Whole Lotta Drama

After creating this blog... So much has happened and I can't let this opportunity go by without at least addressing my simple view on each of these headline items that has provoked complex analysis when it is not yet warranted.

Headline 1: Worst thing to happen to Jackson, Jr.? Barack Obama - Chicago Suntimes

For real? The Chicago Sun Times had the audacity to print this article? First of all, the title got me along. I am so tired of the President being the source of everyone's problems. Simple view... People have to be held accountable for their actions because THEY did them, not because of what someone did. Secondly... "Triple J"? Are reporters now in the business of giving people nicknames? Address the man for who he is... Jesse Jackson, Jr. US Representative. Lastly, If someone states that something is a private matter. Let it remain that way. What is this obsession with Americans in other people's business? Seriously? Are we that bored with our own lives that we want to know about the successes and failures of others that we crowd around the tv to watch the Housewives of (ATL/Orange County/New York/New Jersey/DC) and read blogs to get the latest haps on the celebrities. My simple view of this comes in the form of a song by the crooner Dave Hollister... "Take Care of Home"!,CST-EDT-CArol22.article

Headline 2: Lawsuit: Bishop Eddie Long coerced men into sex - CBS News

I found out about this situation by someone sending me a text message stating "Did you hear about Eddie Long? We need to pray." For real? So of course, i'm a perpetual Googler. I searched his name and the search returned a number of articles and countless tweets that were scrolling faster than I could read. I am a regular church attendee and have heard on several occasions statements from the Bishop regarding his views of homosexuality. It's not my place to judge him or anyone else's of that matter. The Simple View of this issue is to let the law of the land prevail. His title/position should have no bearings on the legal proceedings to come. If the Bishop is guilty... He should be prosecuted accordingly. If he is innocent. Let's move on with life. Granted whether true or false, this will leave a mark on the Bishop in the future. My stance on this is to show compassion. Both sides need to be empathetic of the situation no matter the outcome.

Headline 3: The Sweep: How did Obama lose his mojo? CNN News

After reading this article, my mind ran in several different directions... First I questioned the people that he interviewed for this article. A black republican preacher from Virginia. Who states he marched with MLK, voted for President Obama in the election and was elated to see him elected in 2008. Now this same man that was so excited about change less than 2 years ago is insistent upon voting for a Republican in the upcoming Senate race in Virginia. For real??? So, let's be honest? Mr News Reporter why didn't you ask him if he voted for the President based on race alone? Did he NOT vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin because they were up against a black candidate and he wanted to "help make history"? Reverend Brother Pastor Deacon Doctor Doug from VA... Does your economic and spiritual state of mind correlate more with Republicans or Democrats? Because I'm lost? Are you a Republican from the days of Lincoln (Republicans are quick to note that Lincoln was a Republican and his passage of the Emancipation Proclamation) when the politics of Republicans looked more like the Democratic Party now, or are you a neo Republican that's conservative and want to put "Country First"? Clear it up for me sir.

The next interviewee an Independent that voted for President Obama. I can say this guy had something smart to say that correlates with how I feel about how the President is doing at his job... Things can not be changed over night! It took us a while to get into this mess... It's gonna take time to get out of it. It appears that this does not go well with the article's title, so it wasn't that reported from this man's point of view.

Now we've gone back to the church... Another black preacher leading a congregation. This minister is reporting that his parishioners aren't excited about the upcoming midterm elections. That basically the people are tired of fighting. They're tired of "defending" the Obama Administration. BULL CRAP. These people were all emotional voters from day one. They jumped on the band wagon to elect someone that looked like them because somewhere in the back of their mind was that President Obama would be their Savior and King and that things would come easy... We would be back to the "good ole days" of Clinton where jobs and money flowed like milk and honey in heaven.! For real Christians? Things come that easy huh? 

The Simple View from this article is that President Obama is not a voodoo king. He doesn't go around throwing dirt and potions in the air to get people out to vote and here to save the "party". For those people that are distancing themselves from him. Good! I hope he remembers that IF you win. If people realistically evaluated themselves and voted with what is truly a viable solution for the greater good, we would have less of these arguments and more solutions.

Headline 4: Congress: GOP Blocks DADT Repeal -  MSNBC

No discussion or commentary on this one.

The Simple View is if America is the "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" and the "Land of Opportunity" who should be denied their right to VOLUNTEER to serve in a military capacity! There is NO logical argument for this to continue to be. Remember black people... You couldn't serve just 50 years ago! Don't be so quick to get "holy" on me! Holiness and morality has nothing to with this. This is a job. If this was a corporate organization and this was going on, people would be up in arms. America! Do better! 

Headline 5: Japan bans Paris Hilton after Las Vegas drug plea - Chicago Suntimes

No brainer... The Simple View is that if America stopped cosigning on the stupid crap these "known" people do, they would limit the insanity. I can appreciate Japan putting their foot down to maintain order over capitalism!